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FULL INTERVIEW: Dr. Payal Kohli on summer concerts

Dr. Payal Kohli is a non-invasive Cardiologist with interests and expertise in advanced echocardiography, nuclear cardiology, prevention, and women’s heart disease. Her training is extensive and includes MIT, Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Massachusetts General Hospital and UCSF.

Excerpts from this interview appear in Taylor Knight’s report on the return of summer concerts.


Taylor Knight
Thank you so much, Dr. Kohli for speaking with us today about summer concerts. I know a lot of people are interested in going to summer concerts, including myself. But I want to know, what are the risks that could come along with it? Like, I know some countries don’t really have any strict regulations. So when it comes to being outdoors at these music festivals, what risks Do you think can come along with that?

Well, you know, we’re in a funny transition zone right now, where some of us are vaccinated, some of us are partially vaccinated, some of us are unvaccinated. So I would say if everybody at the outdoor concert was vaccinated, the risk would be extremely low. Now, if the majority of people at the outdoor concert have vaccinated and because it’s outdoors, and we know that the risk of transmission Outdoors is 19 times lower than it is indoors, all of that bodes very favorably for the risks still being very manageable. But there are a few things to keep in mind at concerts. Number one, people are singing, and the crowd is cheering. So that generates a lot more droplets. Number two people are clustered in close proximity, because of the music and the sound system and such most people are kind of cramped and together, which can certainly increase the risk of transmission. And then number three, if you’re eating or going to the restroom, or using public spaces, that’s where people tend to congregate more, which can also have increased risk of transmission. So even though overall, outdoor concerts, I think are something that can safely come back this summer, I think it’s important for you to keep yourself protected when you’re going to this type of a concert, because there still is some risk.

Taylor Knight
And then how about the mosh pits? Do you think people should stay away from the mosh pit? Or should they join in the mosh pit with their mask on? What do you think about that?

I think it’s a good idea to avoid it right now. Because it’s a dependent position, you’re down lower the likelihood of droplets coming down upon us higher. And again, because there are a lot of people that are not vaccinated right now, it’s not just the risk to the unvaccinated. But we’re also seeing even though it’s rare breakthrough cases occurring in those that are fully vaccinated, so even people that are fully vaccinated, have gotten sick and gotten into the hospital even, even though it’s quite rare. So we know that new aggressive variants makes this a little bit riskier. So I would avoid any types of crowded areas. But just really try to if you go to a concert, sort of stay with it, the group that you came with, and kind of cluster with them, rather than necessarily getting yourself into a big crowd.

Taylor Knight
Okay, thank you. Yeah, I instead of mixing with other people’s best to kind of just stick with your crew you came with who you know, what their statuses, and everything, instead of mixing intermingling with all these different people who you don’t know.

Exactly right. And I mean, you can wave to them from across the thing, or you guys can dance together or whatever. But you don’t want to go and get up close to them. And I would recommend even for those people that are vaccinated, because it’s this kind of mixed situation, if it’s not too hot, and it’s not too difficult, you should probably wear a mask, because that will reduce your risk.

Taylor Knight
And do you think concert should require vaccines? Or do you think again, it’s just that everyone’s own risk, but what would you suggest as a doctor would be the safest thing that the concert should provide their guests.

You know, if I had my way I would require the vaccines because it is absolutely the safest thing. When people are vaccinated, you can go hug them, you can mix with them, you can get into the mosh pit, you can do whatever you want, if there’s 100% rate of vaccination. So I really think that’ll help us bring our life back a lot faster and keep everybody safer. But of course, it’s a personal choice. At the end of the day, you can’t necessarily force people to get the vaccine. But you certainly can motivate them by saying you can get into this concert, you know, if you get the vaccine or what have you.

Taylor Knight
Yeah, I know, I’m vaccinated. So when that concert starts up, I’m ready to

Ready to go. Yeah, so what concerts are you going to hit this summer, Who’s your favorite band?

Taylor Knight
I’m trying to go to rolling loud in Miami, Florida. They have a bunch of like, female rap artists that I’ve really been getting into this summer. So I’m like, let’s hope I can make my way down to Florida. They don’t require anything. But of course, you know, I’m definitely going to take the tips that you shared with us today, so that I can be safe, my friends can be saved, we can still have a good time and enjoy our summer.

That’s great. Well have a good time. Send me some photos.

Taylor Knight
Of course. Do you have anything else you want to share with us about how people can stay safe in the summer season with concerts, or just any other tips that you may have missed that you want to share with us?

You know, I would just say that as we’re transitioning our life back to normal, let’s take it like one toe at a time into the swimming pool. That’s how I like to think about it. We don’t want to flip a switch and pretend everything is normal because that isn’t the case. Right now. There are pockets of the country where the rates of transmission are still high. There are pockets of the country where the rates of vaccination are really low and in certain populations. So just be really mindful of all of those types of things. When you decide what types of activities to do this summer. Where are you going? What’s the infection doing in the community? How many people there do you think are going to be vaccinated, and what is the way you can minimize not just your risk, but risk to others. And many of that means some of those same mitigation measures like wearing masks and washing hands even after we’re vaccinated. So just hang in there a little bit longer. Our life getting back to normal, those concerts are here. But I still want to make sure we do them safely so that we’re not right back at the beginning,

Unknown Speaker
of course, thank you so much, you just gave us so much information. I am excited about concerts now even more, I don’t even feel as nervous now after speaking with you, so thank you for sharing all of that information with us all those tips. And I hope our viewers got a lot out of that too, because I know I did. Is there anything else you want to share with us before we close out here?

No, I would just say that, you know, this is really symbolic of the fact that we’re, we’re sort of celebrating and the concert, I think this summer is going to mark the celebration of the end of the pandemic that’s been ushered in by the vaccination era. So for somebody who has not yet got back donated, I really, really want you to see the power of the vaccines in returning everything back to normal and protecting everybody. And now that it’s been given to millions of people, we really can attest to their safety and their efficacy. So go out there and get vaccinated if you still haven’t gotten that vaccine. And it’s just a day or so a feeling under the weather, but it really pays off in the long term.

Taylor Knight
Is there any summer concerts you may be going to are interested in or maybe fall concerts? Maybe you’re waiting it out a little?

Well, you know, I live in Colorado, so they have red rocks, which is the amphitheater here. That’s the natural amphitheater. And it doesn’t really matter what concert you go to there. But it’s such an incredible experience because the rocks actually create the acoustics for the concert very, very naturally. So I’m just really excited to get to a concert this summer, and everything is sold out. And I’m not planning ahead of time. So once the rush sort of settles out, hopefully by the fall, I can get into these get in there.

Taylor Knight
Okay, well, best of luck and fingers crossed that you can get those tickets. Again, thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much.

yeah, thank you again. My pleasure. Thanks so much for having me. No problem.