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New Biden-Putin poll raises more concerns about the White House

Newt Gingrich Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

All you need to know about what Americans think of the job President Biden is doing on their behalf can be found in a new poll. A British newspaper, the Sunday Express, conducted a survey with the Democracy Institute asking a simple question.

‘Which do you think would do more to improve America’s future: getting rid of Biden or getting rid of Putin?’

Well, the American people chose getting rid of Biden by 52 to 43. Now, when you’re doing so badly as president, that people are madder at you than they are at the Russian dictator, who is clearly a bad person and who has clearly done horrible things in Ukraine, there’s something weird going on.

That survey indicates the level of concern the majority of people in our country have over the policies and decision making happening in the Biden White House. There is no shortage of red flags around the president, which is why his approval ratings have tanked. Just this week, we learned he wrote a college recommendation letter for the son of a business partner of his scandal-plagued son. His press secretary has one foot out the door, about to head to MSNBC for a TV job.

It makes me wonder: Who is actually making the decisions inside the White House?

It’s a legitimate question, because Biden appears, quite frankly, lost at times. As I’ve mentioned before, we have legitimate concerns about the president’s mental state, and the constant stumbles and times where he forgets simple things. We also have to worry about his values and the direction he’s trying to take our country in. At a time when we’re trying to help Ukraine keep Putin and his Russian army from overtaking the country, Biden is tentative about supplying aid. And then he calls for Putin to be removed from power, which so alarmed his staff they had to go into damage-control mode.

You may dismiss the poll cited above, but to do so is to ignore the warning signs that are obvious to anyone paying attention to this administration. We don’t really know who’s making the calls to lead our country, and that is a truly frightening thought.

I wanted to share with you one of the weirdest things I’ve seen in politics. A British newspaper worked with the Democracy Institute to take a poll that asked the American people, which do you think would do more to improve America’s future, getting rid of Biden or getting rid of Putin?

Well, the American people chose getting rid of Biden by 52 to 43. Now, when you’re doing so badly as president, that people are madder at you than they are at the Russian dictator, who is clearly a bad person and who has clearly done horrible things in Ukraine, there’s something weird going on.

And I think that weirdness is Biden. 

I think part of it’s just his mental state. I think part of it is his values. You know, you watched him in Warsaw where he said that Putin has to go.


“for God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.”

[end CLIP]

And within minutes the State Department came back out and said, we didn’t really mean he has to go. It has to go. It really meant that he shouldn’t really be bothering his neighbors. You watched him the other day be confused about who the vice president was. Just item after item. We have this sense that he’s not in charge.

It kind of makes you wonder who’s making the decisions at the White House. And while that’s going on, they have very strange decisions coming down that are gonna hurt the American people. For example, they’re trying to repeal the provision that says that immigrants who are a public health problem should not be allowed in the US.

Now at a time when Americans are asked to wear masks to get on airplanes, it’s a little weird that they are reducing the health requirements for illegal immigration. But it tells you sort of where their values are. And while they’re working on making sure that everybody who’s transgender is happy because they’re gonna teach the border patrol to use the right pronoun so that illegal immigrants will feel welcome in America, which really, wasn’t kind of the idea. 

If they’re illegal immigrants, why are we making them welcome? Shouldn’t they be going home?

But you see this again. And again, decisions that make no sense.

And now there’s this new tax on wealth, which is impossible to administer, absolutely hopeless. 

The idea that if the value of your farm goes up, you’re gonna have to pay a tax on the value of your farm, but you’re not gonna have sold it. You’re not gonna have the money. If your savings go up or your house goes up, you have a wealth tax. We’ve never had a wealth tax in America. It’s impossible to measure. 

It would mean constant running fights with the Internal Revenue Service by virtually every successful American. 

And it’s just one more example that they just don’t understand how the real world works. So I have to say this has been one of the stranger periods and I’m afraid it’s gonna get even worse.


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