Ben Weingarten Federalist Senior Contributor; Claremont Institute Fellow

GOP must get to bottom of Rob Malley State Department saga

Ben Weingarten Federalist Senior Contributor; Claremont Institute Fellow

The FBI is investigating whether a former Biden administration Iran envoy, Rob Malley, moved classified information onto his personal email and downloaded it to his personal mobile phone. Sen. Jim Risch, R-Idaho, the top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul, R-Texas, said they believe “a hostile cyber actor was able to gain access to his email and/or phone and obtain the downloaded information.” The two lawmakers expressed frustration with the lack of information shared by the State Department.

Watch the above video as Straight Arrow News contributor Ben Weingarten asserts that Republicans must leave no stone unturned in their investigation of Rob Malley.

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The following is an excerpt from the above video:

Why is the Biden administration stonewalling congressional investigators for the past year over the sidelining of Iran envoy Rob Malley? Conventional wisdom would say the White House wants to skirt a potentially explosive classified document and foreign collusion scandal implicating a prominent official. But there’s also a compelling argument that the Biden administration is hiding Malley to conceal an even graver scandal: its treacherous and disastrous Iran-first policy that Malley has personified, helped execute, and that has accelerated since he departed for the Ivy League.

Now, to be sure, the Malley story is bad enough on its own that the administration would want to put a pin in it. As I recently detailed at Real Clear Politics, the Iran envoy, seen as a longtime appeaser of an apologist for a swamp, has had a security clearance suspended, was put on unpaid leave, and ultimately revealed to be under FBI investigation for having allegedly transferred classified documents to a personal device that a hostile cyber actor purloined.

Questions posed in a mail letter from congressional investigators to the State Department suggest that not only do [sic] obtained the documents, but that Malley himself may have disseminated them to affiliates of the Iran experts initiative.

Why is the Biden administration stonewalled congressional investigators for the past year over the sidelining of Iran envoy Rob Malley, conventional wisdom would say the White House wants to skirt a potentially explosive classified document and foreign collusion scandal implicating a prominent official. But there’s also a compelling argument that the Biden administration is hiding Mally to conceal and even graver scandal. It’s treacherous and disastrous Iran first policy that Malleus personified, helped execute, and that has accelerated since he departed for the Ivy League. Now, to be sure the Mallee story is bad enough on its own that the administration would want to put a pin in it. As recently detail and at Real Clear Politics. The Iran envoy is seen as a longtime appeaser of an apologist for a swamp has had a security clearance suspended was put on unpaid leave, and ultimately revealed to be under FBI investigation for having allegedly transferred classified documents to a personal device that a hostile cyber actor purloined questions posed in a mail letter from congressional investigators to the State Department suggests that not only do them operasi obtained the documents, but that Malley himself may have disseminated them to affiliates of the Iran experts initiative. That’s a recently exposed Tehran backed influence operation, several participants of whom have worked closely with Malley and the International Crisis Group and NGO he once led that inked a formal research cooperation agreement with a theocracy tied think tank in 2016. With more Malley, the man tasked with resurrecting the controversial Iran nuclear deal he had negotiated for President Obama is a boyhood friend of Secretary of State Tony Blinken. Covering up l’affaire Malley has the effect of insulating Blinken, individually and the Biden administration collectively, but keeping Malley out of the spotlight also obscures from public view. The Iran first policy that explains virtually all the Biden administration’s otherwise inexplicable Middle East maneuverings that policy a sequel to the one initiated by the Obama administration has seen President Biden on the one hand bend over backwards to aid abandon enable them low accuracy and its proxies through D designating terror proxies refusing to enforce and offering up sanctions waivers, permitting weapons embargoes to lapse engaging in hostage for prisoner exchanges, responding feckless way to repeated attacks on US personnel and assets, sending condolences to Tehran’s butchers shooting the regime from censure as it dashes towards the nuclear bomb, and D linking and insulating them operasi from its proxy Hamas is worse since the Holocaust October 7 attack on Israel. On the other hand, it has initiated a maximum pressure campaign against the Jewish state Israel, the chief stumbling block to Iran’s desired regional hegemony have to and including seeking to topple its elected government in a bid to prevent it from decisively defeating Iranian proxy Hamas and Gaza, crippling Iranian proxy Hezbollah in Lebanon, and if needed, striking Iran proper with the force necessary to deter if not defang it. The administration told Israel to stand down and not strike has been decisively after October 7, rendering 10s of 1000s of Israelis who were evacuated from their homes in North under threat of Iran’s Lebanon based terror army refugees in their own country. It taught Israel to stand down or not strike Iran hard after it’s unprecedented April 13 Aerial invasion of Israel.

Recently, as Hezbollah’s rockets rained down on Israel, Secretary Blinken said that quote, there’s no doubt in my mind that the best way to empower a diplomatic solution to the north Lebanon is a resolution of the conflict in Gaza and getting the ceasefire. Translation. Israel has to effectively surrender to Hamas, preserving Iran’s proxy and maintaining its threat to the Jewish homeland to get his block back off, and then it wants to impose a deal that reports indicate will force Israel to make concessions that will enable Hezbollah to further imperil Israel’s existence. The administration is simultaneously pressuring Israel not to decisively strike Hezbollah, the one true way to combat its malevolence, one could argue the Biden administration has subordinated all Middle East interests, including in defending the life and limb of our own troops to appeasing and empowering Iran. This is a policy it should be noted diametrically opposed to the Trump administration’s maximum pressure campaign against Iran and fostering of relations between Israel and our Sunni Arab allies and partners to neutralize the Moloch cracy and allow the US to disengage from a stabilized Middle East. Ask yourself which policy redound in most of the benefit of America’s national interests? That seems to be a question the Biden White House does not want considered, which may explain its silence on l’affaire Malley. We’re apt to have to come clean about the malaise scandals, the entire Iran policy would come into view for the American people. Most disturbingly, it would expose the truth that whether Malley is simply a true believer in a progressive foreign policy that demands promoting our foes and pulling our friends are more compromised actor his position

out across an administration populated with like minded ideologues and establishment Aryans alike. Congressional Republicans are threatening to let subpoenas fly. To get to the bottom of the malleus scandals. It’s incumbent upon not only them, but all who care about America’s national interest to use any and all possible means including compulsory measures to reveal the truth


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