Newt Gingrich Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

80th anniversary of D-Day a reminder of our freedom

Newt Gingrich Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

June 6, 2024, will mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings along the Normandy coastline during World War II. On this day in 1944, almost 130,000 Allied troops landed in Nazi-occupied France, including 73,000 Americans, 60,000 Brits and 15,000 Canadians. The D-Day attack altered the course of World War II in favor of the Allies and was the largest amphibious assault in world history.

Watch the above video as Straight Arrow News contributor Newt Gingrich acknowledges the remarkable complexity of the D-Day invasion and emphasizes the importance of remembering this day.

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The following is an excerpt from the above video:

Once again, we have a chance to be reminded when free people are prepared to stand up and do what is necessary, then safety, freedom, prosperity follow. But when they fail to meet the challenges, then you end up in the horrifying position we were of having to reopen, to liberate, to go back into France, which should never have fallen, and [to] defeat a Nazi Germany which should never have existed.

I think it’s important to take dates like this, recognize how [much of a] big deal they are, how much they teach us about reality, how much they teach us about our own time, and why it is necessary for a free country to be much stronger than the dictatorships that threaten it.

We’re celebrating the 80th anniversary of the landing at Normandy on D day, June the sixth 1944 clusters from a small town named Whitehall and next to it is an even smaller town called pigeon false. Reynolds Hunter is 107 years old, served in the Merchant Marine in World War Two. And his son is taking him to Normandy for the 80th celebration.

It’s a big deal. It’s a big deal, because that was the moment when the Americans, the British Canadians, the Free French, the Polish army, all once again, re entered Northern Europe, to take on the Nazis and win World War Two.

The invasion at Normandy is the most complicated single thing humans have ever done. There were more people, more planes, more ships. It was an extraordinary event. And General Eisenhower was in charge of all of it, and had to make the decision whether or not to go. And it was tricky. Because the day before, on June 5, the weather was terrible. But the weatherman told him, there’s going to be a break. And on the sixth, it’ll work. And so I made a decision to launch 100,000 People at the Med Normandy at the beaches, paratroopers, aircraft, ships 100,000 People moved simultaneously to bring freedom back to France. It’s an extraordinary moment. That night, President Roosevelt led the entire nation on radio and a prayer, praying that our young men would in fact survive and be able to come home was as generalized and recorded a great crusade, a crusade against the Nazis, a crusade for freedom. And, once again, we have a chance to be reminded when free people are prepared to stand up and do what is necessary, then safety, freedom, prosperity follow. But when they fail to meet the challenges, then you end up in the horrifying position we were of having to reopen to liberate, to go back into a France which should never have fallen, and a defeat and Nazi Germany, which should never have existed. I think it’s important to take dates like this. Recognize how big deal they are, how much they teach us about reality, how much they teach us about our own time, and why it is necessary for a free country to be much stronger than the dictatorships that threaten it. The day, the sixth of June Clisson. I actually filmed there, and it was an eerie experience. We’re at a point to hawk the site where young men climb straight up from the ocean and managed to seize a German pillbox aside Ronald Reagan used in 1984 to give a remarkable speech which I recommend you go to YouTube and fine. It’ll educate you and it will inspire you. So remember, during the six D Day.


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