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Newt Gingrich Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

Biden could face an epic defeat in 2024

Newt Gingrich Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

In a recent poll conducted in the battleground state of Nevada, registered voters were nearly evenly split when asked about a hypothetical 2024 matchup between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. The results showed 46% supporting Biden and 45% supporting Trump. Notably, many of those supporting Biden indicated that their choice was primarily driven by their opposition to Trump rather than their strong support for the president.

Weak support for Biden wouldn’t surprise Straight Arrow News contributor Newt Gingrich. Gingrich asserts that Biden and the Democrats are causing major problems for the country, and they will pay a steep price in the 2024 presidential election.

As you watch the turmoil in the House Republican Party and the continued efforts to find some way to govern with a very, very narrow majority, and a handful of people who are determined to screw everything up if they can, there’s a bigger picture you need to pay attention to.

The fact is, with the current inflation rate eating people’s budgets, whether it’s buying gasoline or buying food, or paying for rent — with the disaster on the border, leading even governors of Illinois and Massachusetts, both Democrats, to say that Biden has to do something because of the sheer number of illegal immigrants who are coming into their states; and the mayor of New York, who’s just now signing a $1,300,000,000 hotel contract because he has to find some place to put up illegal immigrants — with the problems with the drug addiction, where more Americans are being killed each year by drug overdose than died in the entire Vietnam war — with challenges of crime where we just had a congressman hijacked at gunpoint by three people right in the middle of Washington — you look around, all these things are real. And they’re in people’s lives.

And what’s the result? Well, Gallup just came out with a survey that said Republicans now have a very decisive advantage on handling problems. They have a 12- or 13-point advantage on handling economic problems. They have about a 20-point advantage on handling national security and the border. And they have about a 15-point advantage on handling whatever issue you think matters most.

Now, why does that matter? Because underneath all the noise, underneath all the petty maneuvering and the occasional kamikaze attack by somebody who cares only about their own ego, the fact is that the country is getting very tired of misgovernment, very tired of people like Joe Biden, and the result is going to be, I think, that you’re drifting towards an election of massive proportions, comparable maybe to the Reagan defeat of Jimmy Carter in 1980.

As you watch the turmoil in the House Republican Party, and the continued efforts to find some way to govern with a very, very narrow majority, and a handful of people who are determined to screw everything up if they can, there’s a bigger picture you need to pay attention to. The fact is, with the current inflation rate, eating people’s budgets, whether it’s buying gasoline or buying food, or paying for rent, with the disaster on the border, leading even governors of Illinois and Massachusetts, both Democrats to say that Biden has to do something because of the sheer number of illegal immigrants who are coming into their states, and the mayor of New York, who’s just now signing $1,300,000,000 Hotel contract, because he has to find someplace to put up illegal immigrants with the problems with the drug addiction, where more Americans are being killed each year by drug overdose than died in the entire Vietnam war, with challenges of crime where we just had a congressman hijacked at gunpoint by three people got carjacked, at gunpoint by three people, right in the middle of Washington. You look around, all these things are real. And they’re in people’s lives. And what’s the result? Well, Gallup just came out with a survey that said Republicans now have a very decisive advantage on handling problems. They have a 12 or 13 point advantage on handling economic problems. They have about a 20 point advantage on handling national security in the border. And they have about a 15 point advantage on handling whatever issue you think matters most. Now, why does that matter? Because underneath all the noise underneath all the petty maneuvering, and the occasional kamikaze attack by somebody who’s clear is only about their own ego. The fact is, that the country is getting very tired of Miss government, very tired of people like Joe Biden. And the result is going to be I think, that you’re drifting towards an election of massive proportions, comparable maybe to the Reagan defeat of Jimmy Carter in 1980.

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