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Dr. Rashad Richey National TV Political Analyst, Talk Radio Host, Univ. Prof.

Politics of lesser evils is bad for all Americans

Dr. Rashad Richey National TV Political Analyst, Talk Radio Host, Univ. Prof.

Americans from across the spectrum have criticized the politics of lesser evils, whereby citizens vote more for their least-hated candidate than for their most-loved. Lesser-evil voting sustains a political culture defined by rivalry, fear, and dysfunction.

Straight Arrow News contributor Rashad Richey encourages us to move beyond the politics of lesser evils and warns us that it is a ruinous path for our country to take.

And look at the current front-runners in the Republican Party. Well, all three of the front-runners have high negative, everybody is negative, but they are the cream of the crop as it relates to our politics in America. That’s a problem. We should be a nation that literally promotes the best among us, not the worst. And then we feel as if we have no choice but to vote for the lesser of two evils. That becomes the argument.

I just saw where the governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, literally had a big fallout with Donald Trump. Trump attempted to destroy his political career, said that it would have been better to vote for Stacey Abrams for governor than vote for the Republican Kemp. Even Kemp, the governor of Georgia, has come out and said that if Trump is the nominee, he will still support Trump.

Ted Cruz, another individual, during the first time Trump ran for president, he said what? He said the truth about Trump. Trump criticized Ted Cruz, talked about the man’s wife. Ted Cruz still endorsed him. Many others have done the same.

When did we come to this place, where literally we expect nothing, nothing out of our political leaders? We expect them to be bad, to be the worst among us. We accept behavior from them that we would not accept from our own children, or anyone in our personal circle.

I want to talk about the bar being set, low, lower and lowest in politics.


We have now D evolved into a nation where the most unpopular people in our political class are the ones who are top runners to be President of the United States, regardless of your political affiliation. You have to agree with the facts of the statement I just made. Donald Trump has high negatives. So does Biden as a matter of fact, President Biden, according to the last three polls, the majority of Democrats don’t even want him running for re election, but will vote for him. If the election is between him and Trump. Well, that was the sentiment. When he ran the first time nobody was really excited about voting for Biden. He’s not an exciting candidate. They were excited to vote against the worst guy named Donald Trump. I look at the negatives of Trump. Trump literally tries to be as vile and extreme and offensive as possible is his brand. And he understands brand synergy. So he’s really never off message with his brand. But it is a negative brand, nonetheless. And look at our previous political competitors. Well, Hillary Clinton, she had high negatives, as well. And look at the current front runners in the Republican Party. Well, all three of the front runners have high negative, everybody is negative, but they are the cream of the crop. As relates to our politics in America. That’s a problem. We shouldn’t be a nation that literally promotes the best among us, not the worst. And then we feel as if we have no choice, but to vote for the lesser of two evils. That becomes the argument. I just saw where the governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, literally had a big fallout with Donald Trump, Trump attempted to destroy his political career, said that it would have been better to vote for Stacey Abrams for Governor than vote for the Republican camp. Even Kemp the governor of Georgia has come out and said, If Trump is the nominee, he will still support Trump.


Ted Cruz, another individual during the first time, Trump ran for president, he said what he said the truth about Trump at Trump criticized Ted Cruz talked about the man’s wife, Ted Cruz deal and Dorsten many others have done the same. When did we come to this place where literally we expect nothing, nothing out of our political leaders, we expect them to be bad to be the worst among us. We accept behavior from them that we would not accept from my own children, or anyone in our personal circle. Definitely not among our friends. Right. So what happened? When will the values that we actually hold near and dear be promoted?


former FBI Director James Comey, who’s a Republican was posed a question not too long ago about the state of the Republican Party. And his response was basically what Republican Party now both parties, both major parties, they have their issues, but call me made a great point. He said the Republican Party no longer exist, because a party is typically contextualized in the values, the platform it represent. You don’t have a Republican Party anymore. You just have Trump, you have personality. And because you only have a personality, and no longer a platform, other Republicans in order to well, let’s just say not become at odds with the leader of the party, Trump de facto leader of the party, they do not have a defined values core either. Their values are hard to find. They are not really promoted, because they are afraid they may say something that’s a policy issue that Trump disagrees with. And so they keep it policy light. Well, who loses we do. Everybody in this nation loses. Democrats lose, because Republicans are so adverse to policy that all a Democrat has to do is say, Hey, listen, you gotta vote for me because you can’t vote for this other guy. He has nothing. Creating a lose lose scenario for everyone. It’s time that we actually instill at least our values back into the leaders that represent us.

More from Dr. Rashad Richey

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