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The Senate passed a continuing resolution to fund the government through December 3.

Congress votes to avert shutdown, funds government through Dec. 3

The Senate has passed a continuing resolution, agreeing to fund the government through December 3. This was a bipartisan vote, with 65 Senators voting for the resolution and just 35 against it.

“We were able to avoid a shutdown because the Democratic majority accepted reality and listened to what Republicans have consistently said for months,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell tweeted.

During a news conference Thursday morning, Speaker Nancy Pelosi indicated she has the votes to pass this piece of legislation.

The Senate will be voting on a continuing resolution which they will send back to the House which we will pass and send on to the president to keep government open,” Pelosi said Thursday morning. 

Soon after that promise, the House passed the continuing resolution, with a vote of 254-175. All Democrats voted for the resolution, as did 34 Republicans.

The president must sign the legislation by midnight to keep a shutdown from happening.

“While the immediate threat of a shutdown has ended, the appropriations process must continue toward its successful conclusion over the next nine weeks,” House Maj. Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) said.